Position in Digital Humanities at the University of Florida

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies at the University ofFlorida is seeking an Assistant/Associate Professor in PeninsularSpanish literature with expertise in Digital Humanities. For furtherinformation and to apply, please visit this webpage: https:/explore.jobs.ufl.edu/en-us/job/528771/assistant-or-associate-professor-of-peninsular-spanish-literature-and-culture

Job at British Library

The British Library is looking for someone to join its Heritage MadeDigital team to further improve the access and usability of our digitalcollections by integrating a standardised Optical Character Recognition(OCR) and Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) production process into ourexisting workflows, … Continua a leggere

Bando per bibliotecari

In Piemonte è stato indetto il concorso del Comune di Torino per 7 bibliotecari. La selezione pubblica prevede l’assunzione delle risorse nel profilo di Responsabile Biblioteche, Area dei Funzionari e dell’Elevata Qualificazione. Ai candidati al concorso è inoltre richiesto il possesso di almeno uno dei … Continua a leggere

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