PhD position in “Digital Risk Awareness”, Zurich University

The Institute of Business Information Technology at the Zurich University ofApplied Sciences has an open PhD position in the area of “Digital Risk Awareness” (Psychology, Computer Science, HCI) for a period of four years.

At the Institute of Business Information Technology at ZHAW, the student willmainly work on research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation(SNSF) and have limited teaching responsibilities. The project focuses ondeveloping and evaluating interventions in the areas of data privacy,information security, and artificial intelligence to increase users’ awarenessof risks (e.g., tracking, phishing, biases). The relationships between factorssuch as risk level, salience, and habituation will be investigated, andappropriate intervention techniques will be identified (e.g., literacy,incentives, design of software). Quantitative and qualitative methods will beused in the project (e.g., online experiments). The PhD project is conductedjointly with the Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich (Prof.Dr. Karsten Donnay).

Official announcement and online application:

Interested candidates are encouraged to contact  <>