DH Madrid Summer School

The DH @ Madrid Summer School 2019 is an annual event that is organized every year since 2014. In this opportunity, the course “Creating a Digital Humanities project using data modeling and word processing” will be held. It will take place between July 1 and 3, 2019 in the UNED. This year, the DH @ Madrid Summer School course proposes that students can tackle a digital humanities project, centered on texts, from the beginning. It will begin with a modeling of a domain defining an ontology oriented to linked data (LOD) to continue with the generation of code that resolves or helps to solve the research questions. It will make use of the new computational paradigms related to techniques that come from the world of Artificial Intelligence in its broadest sense (word processing, deep learning, etc.). Finally, exercises will be performed to represent the results. It will also have experts in Digital Humanities and word processing and will be aimed at Digital Humanities specialists, linguists, researchers, professors, academics, and both master’s and doctoral students, preferably in humanistic disciplines, but also in disciplines such as computers or information science. The school is co-funded by the ERC POSTDATA project and the UNED Foundation. The school will be online and face-to-face. You can register here http://extension.uned.es/actividad/idactividad/19542